Lack of Traceability on the frequent changes made to the project

Impact: The budget, resources and timeline will be impacted because of this.

Proposal: No changes can be added into the scope after the cut off date. After the cut off date, any urgent changes / requirements will need to go through the proper process to get all the necessary approvals before they will be reviewed. only urgent request with good justifications backups will be considered. The change request committee will review only the prioritized change requests.

Problems Get Ignored

Impact: Problem areas which were ignored or left aside will not dissappear over night. Any trivial issue might turn into severe problem if it has not being resolved earliest possible.

Proposal: Problems are inevitable in any project. What can be done best is to carry out as many testing as we possibly can to stimulate and validate before the real deployment is here.

No proper planning

Impact: Planning is crucial. The project scope and objectives need to be clearly defined during the planning phase. Without a proper plan( which both party have buy in, such as the project manager and the stake-holders) No project can move ahead as there is no synergy among the team members and there is no firm strategy where the team can tightly hold on to.

Proposal: One way to develope more potential managers is to equip them with the rightful knowledge by registering them into Project management courses and provide them with the essential knowledge. They will leverage from these programs on how effective and powerful ‘planning’ is and how they should be carried out.

They fail to see the dependencies between projects.

Impact: 99% of the projects in an organization are interdependent among each other. Project managers need to take this into consideration whenever they ask for any new requirements or changes as these may impact others as well.

Proposal: Project managers need to carry a high level wholly view on what’s happening in the organization, Apart from that, consistent engagement with the stake-holders, key business teams will add value in the organization holistic projects’ planning.

Communication Issues.

Impact: Communication is the key to every project. Good communication is essential for any project, no matter it is big or small. Everyone has the responsibility to ensure the messages that they communicated are clear and correct among the project teams.

Proposal: a project manager needs to have great communication skills with the right attitude. However it is almost impossible to avoid communication issues in a project team, especially in a big project with many participants. Thus, building an easy and open atmosphere among the team members and the project lead is important so that the communication are of both ways.

Poor Documentation

Impact: Project Managers are poor in documentation and Most of their documents are not clear and effective. Mostly people understand traditional documentation rather than self created documents in less time.

Proposal: Project managers must have a complete set of project management templates that can be used to follow the documentation process.

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